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Strategic Rail Policy Group

Chairman: Martin Brennan FCILT

Welcome to the Strategic Rail Policy Group.

The Strategic Rail Policy Group leads CILT policy development in the rail sector. It reacts to national rail policy issues, producing technical papers and reports concerning the rail industry. The Group also contributes to the national policy debate on light rail and London Underground and provides specialist rail input to the Public Policies Committee. 

Terms of reference

Strategic Rail Policy Group Activity

The Committee meets six times a year and normally alternates between themed and general meetings. The Institute's profile is maintained at a high level by the submission of independent views from a group which has a wealth of experience. Members can benefit by looking at the SRPG's submissions and understanding the intricacies of the issues.

Reports and Presentations

Recently the Group has addressed the Hendy and Shaw reviews of Network Rail. Additional responses have been made to the DfT call for evidence on ‘Rail Regulation’ and the   Competition and Market Authority discussion document on Competition in Passenger Rail Services in Great Britain.

All recent Strategic Rail Policy Group consultation responses and reports can be found here


Committee Members

Click here to view details of the Strategic Rail Policy Group Committee Members.


Want to find out more?

If you would like to get involved with the CILT Strategic Rail Group or have any questions then please contact CILT's Head of Policy.