CILT - Policy and Guidance

Policy & Guidance

CILT is dedicated to shaping change in all aspects of logistics, supply chain and transport. We play a vital role in the development of policy and guidance, producing regular submissions to the UK Government, European Commission and other bodies as well as publishing reports and consultation responses which review and respond to recent policy proposals.

CILT has no political affiliations and does not support any particular vested interests. Our principal concerns are that transport and logistics policies and procedures should be effective and efficient; based on objective analysis of the issues and practical experience and that good practice should be widely disseminated and adopted. CILT public policy is solely lead and developed by our network of Forums and Policy Groups. Member input into policy reports and consultation responses ensures that CILT reflects the current concerns of the supply chain, logistics and transport professions.

Current Areas Under Investigation

Road User Charging: Draft Discussion Report

The purpose of this paper is to stimulate discussion on Road User Charging (RUC) within CILT. The intention is the have a webinar to discuss the paper, currently planned for 10th September – please review on CILT Events page and then use the outcome of this paper and the subsequent discussion to formulate a thought piece for wider circulation with stakeholders.


Recent Policy & Guidance

CILT UK calls for overhaul of UK aviation policy in new report

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT UK) has published a new report analysing the Airports National Policy Statement (ANPS) issued by the Government in June 2018.

Authored by CILT UK's Aviation Policy Group, the report proposes a new policy document to replace the current ANPS and Making Best Use of Existing Runways (MBU) policies.

CILT publishes paper on concerns over airport surface access provision

This policy paper on airport surface access was written by CILT UK's Aviation Policy Group. The paper is intended to inform CILT members and others involved in the provision of airport surface access that transport policies and procedures need to be effective and efficient. Read paper here. 


CILT(UK) calls for strategic investment in transport and logistics in pre-election manifesto request

The Institute has published a comprehensive manifesto request outlining policy priorities and recommendations for the future of the UK's transport, logistics and supply chain sector ahead of the 2024 General Election. Created by experts from across the transport,  logistics and supply chain sector, the manifesto request stresses the need for long-term funding commitments, local decision-making and policies to achieve net zero emissions across all transport modes. Read the request here


Concessionary bus travel falls by a third following COVID-19 pandemic, report shows

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant reductions in the number of people taking advantage of concessionary bus travel, according to a new report. The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport report compares English National Concessionary Travel Journey (ENCTS) and Active Card Data for the calendar years 2019 and 2022. Read the report here


CILT publishes 10-point plan after cancellation of HS2

 The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport has published a 10-point plan as a result of the cancellation of HS2 one month ago. CILT has assessed the implications of the HS2 decision, and remains deeply disappointed at the cancellation of HS2 north of Birmingham. Read the plan here

Recent Consultation Responses

Public Transport in Towns and Cities

A submission by CILT to the House of Lords Built Environment Committee inquiry

In our response we highlighted:

  • The complexities of predicting demand for public transport services, especially post-pandemic;
  • How future levels of use are very uncertain;
  • The need for properly integrated services which will need legislative and regulatory changes;
  • The important role of local authorities; and
  • Better public transport is an essential component of any strategy to improve urban living and economies.

To read the full response, click here >>

Core Policy Groups

Aviation Policy
The Aviation Policy Group comprises a group of professionals from the airline and airport sectors that reviews current and proposed policies for aviation and provides, where appropriate, expert advice to government
For further information click here
Bus & Coach Policy
Coming soon... stay tuned for updates
Environment Policy
Coming soon... stay tuned for information
Freight & Logistics Policy
The group investigates issues affecting integrated policy and practice in supply chains and promotes best practice and resilient capability. The Freight and Logistics Policy Group also aims to produce technical guidance and thought leadership for CILT members.
Public Policy Committee
Overall responsibility for CILT(UK) policy development sits with the Public Policies Committee; the Committee discusses major issues, monitors progress of Forum studies, and approves reports for publication.
For further information click here
Road & Transport Policy
The Roads & Traffic Policy Group gives you the chance to get involved whether you work in or have an interest in the roads and traffic industry.
Rural Policy
The Rural Policy Group’s purpose, alongside other CILT Policy Groups, is to investigate current issues affecting the rural community across all modes and all sectors and make representations to appropriate agencies e.g., central Government, local authorities, trade organisations and others on behalf of CILT on this subject.
Strategic Rail Policy
The Strategic Rail Policy Group leads CILT policy development in the rail sector. It reacts to national rail policy issues, producing technical papers and reports concerning the rail industry.
For further information click here

Reports & Consultation Archive

Re-structuring Britain’s railwaysScreenshot 2023-10-26 at 5.34.56 pm

Written by the Institute’s rail policy experts, the report reveals the actions that need to be taken immediately to deliver on the recommendations of the WilliamsShapps Plan for Rail (WSPR). The report argues the rail industry needs to urgently regain direction, clarity and respond to what freight and passengers need. To download, click here


Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 5.14.27 pmBus transport will form part of the mobility solution for rural areas, and as such we need to develop a better understanding of rural bus needs. The purpose  of this paper is to consider how, through one particular policy area, CILT can help develop this understanding and influence the action needed to reduce the decline in rural bus provision, ensuring that bus transport remains part of the rural transport landscape. To download, click here



  Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 12.27.13 pmUAVs and UAM paper published

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) are two aspects of aviation which are developing rapidly with new technology. CILT’s Aviation Policy Group has been considering these areas and has published a report which looks at their prospects including potential markets, safety and environmental issues. To download, click here


small electrification

 Rail electrification possible for 95% of UK freight trains, CILT research reveals

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport – CILT(UK) ­­– has released its electrification strategy research which reveals the significant opportunity of electrification across the UK’s rail network. To download, click here




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New paper on air freight in the UK 

Produced by the Institute’s Aviation Policy Group, part of the Public Policies Committee, the paper reviews the current nature of the air freight sector. It aims to highlight areas where policy makers in government and industry with a particular interest can assist with the progress required to support UK cargo aviation.  To download click here.


New paper on airport expansion in the UK

CILT(UK)’s Public Policies Committee­ has released a paper on airport expansion in the UK. Produced by the Institute’s Aviation Policy Group, part of the Public Policies Committee, the paper summarises recent decisions and activity on several UK airport expansion proposals – including Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton, Manston, Stansted, Bristol, Leeds Bradford and Southampton. Led by aviation expert Paul Le Blond FCILT, whose career at BAA included working at airport inquiries and whose book ‘Inside London’s Airports Policy’ was published in 2019, the paper has been produced by experts and practitioners from across CILT’s Public Policies Committee. To download click here.

Factors affecting local bus demand and potential for increase

The local bus market in Britain has experienced considerable fluctuation in recent years. Whilst an overall decline has been observed, there have been encouraging signs of positive developments in some sectors of provision, and there is evidence of the extent to which users as a whole respond to changes in service characteristics. This paper draws on evidence regarding overall demand factors, and cases where additional demand has been attracted. It primarily describes the situation ‘pre-Covid’, but effects of the epidemic are considered at the end of this paper. To download click here




Aviation tax reform

The Institute's response to the Treasury Consultation published March 2021. 

The regional Air Connectivity Review sought views on a series of measures to support regional connectivity across the UK.

To read the full response, click here

UK Regional Air Connectivity Review

A submission by CILT to the Department for Transport Consultation

The regional Air Connectivity Review sought views on a series of measures to support regional connectivity across the UK

To read the full response, click here  

UK regional air connectivity review update

A supplementary submission by CILT to the Department for Transport Consultation

In March 2020, CILT prepared a paper for the DfT’s Regional Air Connectivity Review. This note provides an update as at the end of July 2020 to take account of developments, in particular the impact of the Covid-19 situation, but also the Appeal Court decision on Heathrow and decarbonisation developments.

To read the full response, click here  

Coronavirus: implications for transport

A submission by CILT to the House of Commons Transport Committee Inquiry

The Transport Committee sought views on transport issues faced during the coronavirus outbreak

To read the full response, click here 

Economic Regulation of Heathrow Airport (CAP 1940)

A CILT response to the Civil Aviation Authority consultation

CILT’s Aviation Policy Group submitted comments in relation to:

  • Requirements for HAL’s revised business plan (“RBP”), which it is due to publish in the autumn of 2020;
  • Improving the efficiency incentives and capital expenditure governance arrangements for the H7 price control period;  
  • Further thoughts on our approach to assessing HAL’s financeability and setting the cost of capital for the H7 price control period.

To read the full response, click here  

Building Aviation Back Better: Developing an Environmental Aviation Strategy

A response by CILT to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Heathrow Expansion and Regional Connectivity Inquiry

The APPG sought evidence on how to build a more sustainable aviation policy that supports both workers and the environment.

To read the full response, click here  

Economic Regulation of Heathrow Airport Ltd: response to its request for a covid-19 related RAB adjustment  (CAP 1966)

A response by CILT to the CAA consultation

The CAA sought views on:

  • the background to HAL’s request and the initial views of airlines in response to it;
  • CAA’s approach to assessing HAL’s request;
  • CAA’s initial assessment of HAL’s request; and
  • proposals for next steps and timetable for dealing with the issues raised by the request.

To read the full response, click here  

Reforming Public Transport After the Pandemic

A response by CILT to the House of Commons Transport Committee Inquiry

CILT submitted a cross sector response to the inquiry exploring how best to grow position public transport as we emerge from the pandemic

To read the full response, click here  

Union Connectivity Review: call for evidence

A response by CILT to the call for evidence

CILT submitted a detailed response to the inquiry led by Sir Peter Hendy into Union Connectivity

To read the full response, click here  

Night Flights Consultation

A submission by the Aviation Policy Group to the DfT consultation

The consultation sought views on policy options for future night flight policy, beyond 2024, at designated airports and nationally

To read the full response, click here  

Rail Review - call for evidence - Full response here

Consultation on our new policy for holding Network Rail to account - Full response here

Direct Vision Standard (DVS) - Full response here

Draft London Plan - Full response here

Airspace and Future Operations consultation - Full response here

Delay Attribution Review - Full response here

Aviation 2050 - the future of UK aviation - Full response here

Pay-as-you-go on rail - Full response here

Light rail and other rapid transit solutions in cities and towns: call for evidence - Full response here

Williams Review - Future Freight Opportunities - Full response here

Heathrow Airport Expansion Consultation - Full response here

Proposed Legislative Measures to Strengthen Compliance with Operation Brock; and Enhanced Border Readiness Checks - Full response here

Cambridge & Peterborough Local Transport Plan - Full response here

Carbon offsetting in transport: a call for evidence - Full response here

HS2 Review - To download click here

Joined-up Journeys: Integration and Interchange – making travel work for disabled and older people - To download click here



  Lower Thames Crossing Consultation

A South East region response to the Highways England consultation

Read our response here 


Devolution of Air Passenger Duty to Wales

A CILT Wales/Cymru submission to the Welsh Affairs Committee inquiry

Read our response here 


Transport appraisal and modelling strategy: informing future investment decisions

A CILT response to the DfT consultation

Read our response here 


Proposed Changes to the Congestion Charge

A CILT response to the Transport for London consultation

Read our brief response here 


Bus Services Act 2017: open data

A CILT response to the DfT consultation

Read our response here 


Bus Services Act 2017: accessible information

An Accessibility and Inclusion Forum response to the DfT consultation

Read our response here 


The Last Mile: call for evidence

A CILT Freight and Logistics Policy Group response to the DfT consultation

The call for evidence sought views on how to improve the sustainability of freight.  Read CILT’s submission here


Future of mobility call for evidence

A CILT Freight and Logistics Policy Group response to the DfT consultation

Read our response here 


Rural Transport: Kent

A CILT South East Region response to the Kent County Council Consultation

Read our response here 


Haulage Permits and Trailer Registration Bill

A CILT response to the DfT consultation

Read our brief response here 


Maritime 2050: call for evidence

A CILT response to the DfT consultation

Read our response here 


Draft revised National Planning Policy Framework

A CILT response to the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government consultation

Read our response here 


Section 19 and 22 permits: how to apply EU Regulation 1071/2009

A combined response by CILT’s Bus and Coach Forum and Accessibility and Inclusion Forum to the DfT consultation

The DfT sought views on proposed changes to law and guidance about who can operate public service vehicles (PSVs) without a PSV licence.  Read our response here 


Sheffield City Region Transport Strategy

A response by CILT’s NE Policy Group to the consultation

Read our response here 


Heathrow Airport Expansion and Airspace Principles

A response by CILT to the Heathrow consultations

Read CILT’s response here 


Proposals for the creation of a Major Road Network

A response by CILT the DfT consultation

This consultation sought views on:

·         how to define the MRN

·         the role that local, regional and national bodies will play in the MRN investment programme

·         which schemes will be eligible for MRN funding

Read CILT’s response here 


East Coast Mainline Route Study

A response by CILT’s NE Region to the Network Rail Consultation

Read CILT’s submission here 


Draft New London Plan

A response by CILT to the GLA consultation

The GLA sought views on proposals contained within the New Draft London Plan.

Read CILT’s submission here


Great Western Rail Franchise

A response by CILT to the DfT Consultation

The DfT sought views on future services across the Great Western network. In our response

Read CILT’s submission here


Shaping the future of England’s strategic roads (RIS2)

A response by CILT to the DfT consultation

In order to set investment in the Strategic Road Network (SRN) the government publishes a multi-year ‘Road investment strategy’ (RIS). The second RIS (RIS2) will cover the financial years 2020/21 to 2024/25. This consultation sought views on initial proposals and government’s analytical approach.

Read CILT’s submission here



Improving Assisted Travel: a consultation

A response by CILT’s Accessibility and Inclusion Forum to the Office for Rail and Road Consultation

The ORR sought views on potential improvements to assisted travel

Read the forum’s response here



Reforming the heavy goods vehicle road user levy

A response by CILT to the DfT Consultation

The DfT issued a call for evidence on how to reform the heavy goods vehicle levy so that it:

  • rewards hauliers that plan their routes efficiently
  • incentivises efficient use of roads
  • improves environmental performance, including air quality and carbon emissions
Read CILT’s full response here

Solving the problems to ensure frictionless borders

CILT’s profile and influence on evolving Brexit negotiating priorities continues to increase. With a number of Brexit related Bills currently passing through Parliament, CILT is working to influence and guide the debate surrounding and understanding of the impact of proposals on the sector.

Following the Prime Ministers speech earlier this month, CILT has produced a briefing paper which explores the need for frictionless borders in addition to a multitude of Brexit related issues. 

Read the full response here.


The Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Bill - The Customs Billclick here

CILT further concerns with Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Billclick here


Freight, logistics and Supply Chain Priorities for EU Exit Negotiations: Recommendations to Government 

Freight, logistics and Supply Chain Priorities for EU Exit Negotiations: Recommendations to Government details the output of a high level roundtable meetings which explore the implications of Brexit on the freight sector. The reports highlight key impacts as well as opportunities and explores how best to mitigate potential risk. 

The December 2016 report can be found here.

The May 2017 report can be found here.

The January 2018 report can be found here.

The July 2018 report can be found here. 

Understanding and meeting the needs of travellers with hidden disabilities

This Guidance Note has been produced by CILT’s Accessibility & Inclusion Forum following a seminar organised by the Forum in early 2017. The purpose of this Guidance Note is to raise awareness among transport providers, local authorities, planners and designers of the needs of the very large number of people whose disabilities are hidden and so not visible to those around them.

To download click here.


(Re)Inventing the Wheel

(Re)Inventing the Wheel examines a range of issues relating to transport over the next 20-25 years and looks at potential new technologies ranging from autonomous electric cars to real time journey management. 

To download click here.

Freight Network Study  - View report



Disability and the Built Environment - View Report



Monitoring Highways England’s network investment - View Report



West Midlands and Chilterns Route Study - View Report



 Bus Services Bill - View Report



 Improving rail passenger experience - View Report



 Lower Thames Crossing Consultation - View Report



 Periodic review 2018 (PR18) initial consultation - View Report



 Passenger Access to Airports - View Report



 Network Rail's investment programme: The Hendy report consultation - View Report



 A new approach to rail passenger services in London and the South East - View Report



 National Infrastructure Commission: Governance - View Report



 Rail Regulation: call for evidence - View Report


National Infrastructure Commission call for evidence 
View - NIC: Northern Connectivity
View - NIC: London Transport Infrastructure

 Consultation towards Scotland’s Rail Freight Strategy - View Report


 Buses Reform Stakeholder Engagement - View report



 Surface transport to airports - View report



 Road haulage sector: Skills and workforce planning inquiry - View report



Network Rail Wessex Route Study - View report



Network Rail Anglia Route Study - View report



Airports Commission Consultation on Shortlisted Options for a New Runway - View report               



Network Rail South East Route – Sussex Route Study - View report



Network Rail Western Route Study - View report



Improving Connectivity - View report



Network Rail East Midlands Route Study - View report



Network Rail Wales Route Study - View report          



Monitoring Highways England - View report



Supporting English regional airports from the impacts of air passenger duty devolution - View report



Management of Congested Infrastructure - View report



Competition in Passenger Rail Services in Great Britain - View report


The Future of Aviation - View report                
A Vision for Transport Planning - View report                
A Vision for Cymru Wales - View report                
CILT Driver Shortage Crisis 2015  - View report            
Bus reform: survey of senior directors of local bus service operators  - View report            

Cycle Delivery Plan - View report



Transport for London Consultation on North-South and East-West Cycle Super Highways - View report



London Infrastructure Plan 2050 - View report



Smaller Airports - View report



TransPennine Express Rail Franchise: Northern Rail Franchise - View report



Investment in the Railway - View report



Implementation of the Competition Commission remedies on bus registration - View report



National road and rail networks: draft national policy statement - View report



Local authority parking strategies - View report



Liverpool Mayoral review of bus lanes - View report



Airport commission consultation: Appraisal Framework - View report


Vision 2035: UK Freight report - View report  
The impacts of concessionary travel passes for older and disabled people – a review of the evidence
Professor Roger Mackett FCILT - View report
Transport and the Economy - View report                        

Land Transport Security - View report



Brown Review - View report



EU Transport Issues - View report



Review of Planning Practice Guidance - Consultation (Taylor Review) - View report



Revised Statutory Guidance on local bus services - View report



Discussion paper 1 - Aviation Demand Forecasting - View report



Night Flights Consultation - View report



Proposals for making best use of existing capacity in medium and short term - View report



Transforming the HA into a government-owned company - View report



Market Study: Long Distance - View report



Market Study: London and SE - View report



Market Study: Regional Urban - View report



Market Study: Freight - View report



EU Balance of Competences Review on Transport  - View report



Airport Operational Models - View report



Passenger Transport in Isolated Communities - View report



Long Term Options - Reponse to proposals - View report



Strategic Road Network - View report


The Case for HS2 - View report                  
Empowering staff: enabling passengers - View report                  
Maintaining Momentum: Summer 2012 Logistics Legacy Report - View report                                        

A greater role for ORR regulating passenger franchisees in England & Wales - View report

Competition in the Local Bus Market - View report

Charging HGV's - View report

Devolving local major transport schemes - View report

Cross Border Road and Rail Connectivity - View report

Reform of the Railways - View report

Rail decentralisation: devolving decision-making on passenger rail services in England - View report

Low Carbon Vehicles - View report

Planning Act 2008: Consultation on proposed changes to the suite of guidance documents for the major infrastructure planning regime - View report

Maintaining the Competiveness of UK Global Aviation - View report

Walking and cycling: local measures to promote walking and cycling as forms of travel or recreation: Consultation on the draft guidance and evidence reviews - View report

Consultation on Active Travel (Wales) Bill - View report

Issues and concerns around safe, affordable and accessible transport for young people and make recommendations to decision makers to address them.' - View report

Abolition of DPTAC - View report

Road Freight - View report

Draft Aviation Policy Framework - View report

Marine Pilotage - View report

Consultation on the combined Thameslink, Southern and Great Northern franchise - View report

Transport and the Accessibility of Public Services - View report

Aviation Strategy - View report

Consultation on bus subsidy reform - View report

Land Transport Security - View report

Get Britain Cycling - View report

Effectiveness of legislation relating to transport for disabled people

Eddington - 6 years on - View report                  
Transport Use of Carbon - View report                  
The Strategic Road Network - Key issues in developing a long-term strategy - View report                                        
Vision 2035 - View report                  
Think Cycling! - View report                  
An Inconvenient Truck - View report                  

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