Future Transport Visions Group (FTVG) launch annual competition - CILT(UK)
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Future Transport Visions Group (FTVG) launch annual competition

03 April 2024/Categories: Industry News, Bus & Coach, Freight Forwarding, Logistics & Supply Chain, Operations Management, Rail, Transport Planning

What is it?

The FTVG will be run as an annual competition; incentivising young professionals to submit a paper, presentation or product that delivers the Vision and Objectives of the group. 

FTVG will:

  • Enable young professionals to collaborate virtually to network and generate ideas
  • Provide the networks and structure for young professionals to form into discreet project groups
  • Support the delivery of a selection of projects through an appointed Steering Group
  • Judge and appraise the outputs of individual projects
  • Offer a prize to winning projects
  • Provide a platform to promote the outcomes of these projects to the wider transport industry


To sustain a diverse group of young professionals to consider some of the challenges and opportunities posed by ongoing changes in the transportation industry and outline how these changes are pertinent to the future careers of young transport professionals. 


The outline objectives to achieve this vision are:

  1. Ensure that the FTVG represents the interests of a diverse range of young professionals
  2. To demonstrate a clear evolution from the original Transport Visions Network
  3. To provide young professionals with a voice to address key challenges and opportunities facing the transport industry
  4. To deliver a lasting legacy that can be utilised by future transport professionals.


The initiative will be broken down into 6 phases over a 12-month period starting in March 2024.

  1. Expression of Interest: (April 2024) Submit outline proposal for project using an Expression of Interest Form.  This will enable people with similar interests to be grouped together to collaboratively take an idea forward.
  2. Collaboration Forums: (May 2024) Programme of forums which will let participants meet and collaborate on similar ideas and form cross-industry teams to develop projects and ideas.
  3. Project Application: (May 2024) Project teams invited to provide an abstract, methodology, and estimated costs for undertaking their chosen project. These will be considered by our steering group who will decide which teams to award funding to this year.
  4. Project Execution: (Jul 2024– Mar 2025) Teams successfully awarded funding will be given four months to develop their project.  Progress and spending will be monitored by our steering group.
  5. Project Completion: (Apr 2025 – May 2025) All successful project teams will have the opportunity to present their findings and outcomes at forums to help promote their ideas to the wider industry.
  6. Project Award: (May 2025) A prize will be awarded for “Outstanding Project”, judged by our steering group at a conference.


Click here to register interest.


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