03 May 2013/Categories: Industry News
Leaders at Warranty Direct - the organisation behind the Potholes.co.uk campaign website - have welcomed the introduction of a new taskforce aimed at reducing the cost and disruption caused by roadworks in the UK.
Councils, utility companies and business representatives have joined forces to ensure necessary road closures are kept to a minimum, which will be an obvious boost for logistics firms.
Despite being in favour of this collaboration, Warranty Direct's Duncan McClure Fisher insists that greater investment is required to improve the nation's "crumbling" road network.
A recent study by the AA showed that councils have been inundated with complaints about potholes in recent months and up to 18 million drivers have noticed damaged road surfaces but failed to report it.
Mr McClure Fisher said that many potholes are caused when the roads are dug up and then not patched up properly.
"We've always campaigned for the 'patch and mend' mentality to be scrapped and for better funding to be made available to local authorities so they can do the job properly in the first place," he remarked.
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