Welcome to The Hub; the home for online cycling resources.
These pages are now hosted by The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport - CILT(UK) - as a free source of carefully selected guidance for anyone working to get more people cycling.
This site is currently being created with key resources from the former Cycling England website. Documents are available for download and the catalogue of reference material will be added to on a regular basis. Additional brand new material will also appear, ensuring that The Hub remains an invaluable source of guidance. These pages will continue the work of encouraging good practice and cycle-friendly infrastructure and planning. Visit us again soon to see some exciting new features.
Want to find out more?
Further information on The Hub can be obtained by contacting Daniel Parker-Klein, Transport Planning Policy Officer or the Forum Chairman.
An editorial panel of experienced professionals and seasoned campaigners has been set up to oversee the development of The Hub. Over time, existing material will be refreshed and new peer-reviewed material will be added. The panel is co-ordinated by Tony Russell from Sustrans.
Click submit if you would like to send something to the editorial panel for consideration.
A new guide entitled Think Cycling! - based on a series of good practice case studies - has been produced by the Institute. This short guide demonstrates how to make effective, low-cost investment in cycling. View the guide here

Standard for construction logistics:
Managing work related road risk (WRRR) - View here
Institutional collaboration on cycling - CILT has agreed a joint statement with CIHT, ICE and IHE to collaborate on activity aimed at providing enough skilled, professional input to enable and increase cycling activity in the built environment.
Cycling has an important role to play in reducing pressure on road space, improving health through physical activity, and making the built environment and public spaces better places to live.
The needs of cycle users, particularly in terms of providing comprehensive, safe, comfortable and attractive routes and how traffic management can be best adapted to accommodate them is of increasing importance.
The range of issues involved is complex, but their resolution is at the heart of allowing all users of our highway and transport networks to make more effective and safer travel choices.
Four of the professional bodies in the sector, the Chartered Institute of Highways & Transportation (CIHT), Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (CILT), Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE) have agreed to collaborate in highlighting the need for enough skilled, professional input to address the issues.
The range of qualifications, training, continuing professional development, guidance, best practice and standards available will be developed and promoted by the four organisations.
The group will work with others across the sector, including the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), to improve the way the UK meets the needs of all its highway users.
"Safer Cycling Innovations @TRL" -
presentations from the joint CILT Cycling Forum and TRL event