CILT - Accessibility and Inclusion

Accessibility & Inclusion

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Welcome to Accessibility and Inclusion Forum

Chair: Ann Frye FCILT

The purpose of the Forum is to ensure that the changing needs of the UK’s large and growing population of older and disabled people are properly understood and reflected in the development of transport policy and the design and delivery of transport services across all modes and sectors at both national and local levels.

Accessibility to public transport and to the pedestrian environment are both an economic and a social imperative. Continuing mobility is key to enabling disabled and older people to remain independent and able to contribute both directly and indirectly to the country’s economy.

To view the Forums Terms of Reference please click here.

The Accessibility and Inclusion Forum meets on a regular basis with participants attending both in person and online.  New members are always welcome. A number of Forum members have lived experience of disability as well as professional expertise.

Discussions at the Forum cover all transport modes. Recent topics have included the impact of driver only operated trains on older and disabled travellers and issues facing disabled and older people dependent on rural bus services.

Previous seminars run by the Forum include: 

  • Missing the Bus: Can Older and Disabled People Get on Board? - For many disabled and older people, bus travel remains a major challenge. Although buses in many areas are becoming more accessible, getting to the bus stop, getting on board, and getting information about services all remain among the challenges facing people with mobility difficulties or vision impairments, for example. This webinar will look at the Government’s Bus Strategy from the perspective of older and disabled people and will review progress and attitudes towards making bus travel more inclusive. It will focus particularly on issues affecting rural bus services on which many disabled and older people depend. To view presentation from this webinar, see below under Reports and Presentations
  • Joined Up Journeys – Integration and Interchange: Making Travel Workable for Disabled and Older People - The concept of transport chains makes clear that, where any link in the journey chain is missing or broken, it can prevent a person from travelling. This one-day seminar explored the challenges faced by disabled and older people and discussed practical solutions and examples of good practice to achieve joined up journeys. Presentations included perspectives from travellers with disabilities and transport providers as well as information on new research and pilot projects. 
  • Out of Sight, Out of Mind – This seminar set out to explore the needs of people whose disabilities are “hidden” and to discuss what can and should be done to recognise them more routinely and sensitively, with contributions from academics, experts and practitioners as well as disabled public transport users, charities and campaigners.
  • Is Technology Leaving Older and Disabled Travellers behind? This one-day seminar explored the pros and cons of new technology as it affects the ability of older and disabled people to travel.
  • Train Journey Experiences - With the subject of Driver Only Operation very much in the public eye, this is an account of a series of rail journeys undertaken on one day by older and disabled people. It reflects both the excellent levels of support available in some areas but also the gaps and problems in others. It is intended to inform the debate in both professional and public circles.
  • Older People: Making Sense of the Costs and Benefits of Travel - This seminar took an in-depth look at the reality of enabling older people to remain independently mobile in both urban and rural communities. Topics for discussion included the key role free bus travel plays in enabling older people to support working age families and undertake voluntary work amongst other activities.
  • Older People – Making sense of the costs and benefits of travel”. Topics for discussion included the key part that free bus travel places in enabling many older people to support working age families, and undertake voluntary work among other activities. 
    Speakers also focused on what needs to be done to create environments within which older people can live without support and at how to make sense of the costs of mobility – who pays and who benefits.
  • Empowering Staff, Enabling Passengers” which looked at the importance of training of transport staff to give disabled and older people the confidence to travel. At a time when most transport infrastructure and vehicles are accessible, the weak link is often inadequate training to help drivers and other front line staff understand and empathise with the needs of older and disabled travellers.
  • What price accessibility” which focussed on the economic and social challenges of meeting the accessibility needs of an ageing population. Speakers from the transport industries looked at the remaining access challenges for the railways and for buses and discussed whether the requirements for accessibility could be justified in economic terms.

Following the seminar, the Forum produced and published guidance on the business and legal imperatives for training transport staff in disability issues.

Presentations, guidance and training notes from the seminars are available from the Related Useful Information and Links section. For further information, please contact

Focus Articles

In the travelers shoes - April 2024 - View here

E Bikes & E Scooters Focus Article - Aug 22 - View here.

Committee Members

Ann    Frye    OBE BA TPP FCIHT    Chair
Jim    Morey    MILT    Committee Member
John    Sutton    CMILT    Committee Member
John    Edser    FCILT    Committee Member
Jon    Harris    FCILT    Committee Member
Roger    Mackett    FCILT    Committee Member
Jim     Morey    MILT    Committee Member

Reports and Presentations

Missing the Bus: Can Older and Disabled People Get on Board?

  • The Bus Strategy – What will it deliver for older and disabled people? John Taylor, TAS - June 2021 - Click here to view
  • It’s the right thing to do. But why is being inclusive and accessible for all also commercially viable? Victoria Garcia, Accessibility & Communities Manager - June 2021 - Click here to view

  • Making Buses Accessible to Everyone, Claire Walters, Bus Users - June 2021 - Click here to view

  • Missing the Bus: Can older and disabled people get on board?, Tim Christian, General Manager, DCT - June 2021 - Click here to view

  • Basic Principles - June 2021 - click here to view

Joined up Journeys

  • Joined up Journeys, a Toolkit for Transport Providers and Local Authorities, July 2019 Click to view
  • Joined up Journeys Seminar Presentation - Integration and Interchange: Making Travel Workable for Disabled and Older People, April 2018 Click to view 

  • Mental Health and Travel Report on a Survey by Roger Mackett FCILT, Professor of Transport Studies, Centre for Transport Studies, University College London – To view the report click here

  • Guidance Notes to Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Travellers with Hidden Disabilities - 2017  - Click here to view

  • Key documents on travel by disabled people - Click here to view

  • Lessons from London: Rio’s Golden Opportunity – July 2016 - View here

  • Making Transport Technology More Accessible – October 2015 – View here




Train Journey Experiences

With the subject of Driver Only Operation very much in the public eye, this is an account of a series of rail journeys undertaken on one day by older and disabled people. It reflects both the excellent levels of support available in some areas but also the gaps and problems in others. It is intended to inform the debate on this topic that is currently taking place in both professional and public circles.

Click here to view the report

Older People: Making sense of the costs and benefits of travel April 1st 2014

Many of the UK’s large and growing population of older people are making a significant contribution to the country’s economy but the size of the ageing population also creates both economic and social challenges – not least to the transport industries.

The purpose of this seminar was to take an in-depth and balanced look at the reality of enabling older people to remain independently mobile – in both urban and rural communities.

Topics for discussion included the key part that free bus travel places in enabling many older people to support working age families, and undertake voluntary work among other activities.

Speakers also focused on what needs to be done to create environments within which older people can live without support and at how to make sense of the costs of mobility – who pays and who benefits. The perspective of the bus operator will play an important part in this discussion.

The seminar brought together speakers with a wealth of experience and expertise both academic and practical and focused on the issues that face the UK in the coming years and how best to address the needs of or ageing populations in a way that makes economic sense for all of us.
Presentations from the day are available here –


Empowering Staff: Enabling Passengers Reportclick here

Empowering Staff: Enabling Passengers Event (please click on the name below to access their presentation)


Is technology leaving older and disabled travellers behind?

Advances in technology are rapidly changing the way in which people plan and book their journeys and organise their travel. For many the speed and convenience of on-line booking systems and automatic ticket machines/check in machines is a great benefit. But for many older and disabled people they can present real challenges which deter or prevent them from travelling. At the same time, advances in technology are opening up new opportunities for independent mobility for people who are blind or partially sighted. Social media is also a valuable resource for many young disabled people. 

This one day seminar explored both the pros and cons of new technology as it affects the ability of older and disabled people to travel. Presentations included perspectives from travellers with disabilities and transport providers as well as information on new research and pilot projects. 


Speakers included: Click to view presentations:
Dr John Gill, John Gill Technology Dr John Gill
Tom Pey, CEO, Royal London Society for Blind People Zara Todd
Kirsty Necker and Chris Yates, Guide Dogs Kirsty Necker
Louise Coward, Transport Focus  Louise Coward
Peter Rayner and Ann Frye, CILT Accessibility and Inclusion Forum Peter Rayner



Focus Articles

Mental Health and Travel - Aug 2019 - Click here to view

Joined up Journeys -  March 2018 - Click here to view

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