Description: When: 10 September 2024, 17:00 - 19:00 Where: Teams Meeting Speaker: Morag Robertson, Chair of Policy Group, Polaris Consulting Paul LeBlond, CILT Clare Sheffield, Director of Transport Planning ARUP
The phrase Road User Charging evokes a number of reactions; fear, anger, triumph, glee but whatever your feelings are about the subject it is likely to be something that is required to address transport funding gaps and to help achieve environmental targets by engaging modal shift.
We are edging towards a turning point in our transport history where our reliance on fossil fuel cars is shifting but our desire for mobility is greater than ever. With these shifts comes challenges for us as individuals and as a society as well as how we govern and fund transport strategies.
With this in mind we are hosting a workshop on 10th September to discuss some of the issues this debate raises. As an institute we have held a position on the subject and the aim of this session is to review that position with a view to updating it. To do this we would like to gather the views and opinions of our members.
It is a very important but contentious issue and so it is unlikely we can address all the issues that the subject raises however we would like to start the consultation process, with maybe the opportunity to set up a working party to develop our position further.
The agenda will start with an introduction to the subject, covering the objectives of Road User Charging, types of charging with examples, principles of charging and current CILT position. This is meant as a broad thought provoker as the main session will focus on discussion on: 1. What should the objectives of RUC be? 2. What principles should we be aspiring to? 3. What are the challenges? 4. What advice should we be giving government? The aim of this session is to garner thoughts and opinions to update CILTs position with a view to engaging with stakeholders, in particular to inform government in their thinking about what Road User Charging may look like.
Booking for Members-Non-Members FREE To book scroll to the bottom of this page, tick the T & C's box and click Book on event, if you have any difficulties email us at quoting event code: ESF0329 with your Full name, title and company and we will book your place for you.
Note: If you are not a current Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, please be aware our membership team may be in touch with you using your email address provided regards membership opportunities. If you do not wish to be contacted please email and let us know at 
TP1.1 Planning in Transport TP2.1 Policy Planning for Transport |