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Online Library Catalogue

To search the Institute’s specialist library of printed information type a keyword in the search field. The results will return in latest date order. Add your selections to the basket. Your request will be emailed to the Knowledge Centre where a member of staff will fulfil your request. 

If you are a member of an overseas CILT Council with access to the Online Library Catalogue, please contact The Knowledge Centre directly with your requests and your username:

Library Loan Policy

Library Loan Policy:

*You can loan up to 4 items at a time.
*You can loan an item for up to 4 weeks.
*You must provide a UK address for us to post out to you.
*We will pay for the postage to you but we require you pay for the postage back by Royal Mail Recorded Delivery.
*If you need the books for a longer period of time we can renew them up to 3 times (as long as no one else has requested the item)
*If your books become seriously overdue we will apply a charge

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