From London to New York - CILT's Palmark goes international - CILT(UK)
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The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport’s (CILT) Public Authority Benchmarking Club, Palmark, is delighted to announce that New York City has become its first international member. The Institute is also pleased to announce that O’Donovan Waste Disposal, one of the UK’s leading waste management companies, is to extend its sponsorship of Palmark to a second year.

Keith T. Kerman, Deputy Commissioner, Chief Fleet Officer, New York City said: ‘New York City (NYC) is a government committed to best practices and operational excellence. In 2014, NYC’s Mayor de Blasio adopted Vision Zero, a comprehensive effort to reduce traffic fatalities and injuries on City streets.  NYC is leading wide-scale traffic safety initiatives including lowering the speed limit, improving street design and toughening enforcement.  Through Vision Zero, every New Yorker is encouraged to join the public conversation on street safety and to do their part to safely share the roads. The City is also a national leader in fleet operations including areas of efficiency, sustainability, preparedness, and safety.  NYC government operates the largest municipal fleet in the United States with over 29,000 units including NYPD, FDNY and Sanitation fleets. In June 2016, NYC presented at a Future Fleets Forum in the UK and met with leaders throughout the UK fleet industry.  To continue this collaboration and help share good ideas and best practices, we’re pleased to become Palmark members, the Institute’s Public Authority benchmarking club.’
Jacqueline O’Donovan, Managing Director, O’Donovan Waste Disposal said: ‘As a Gold Corporate Member of the CILT, and with our overarching aim to lead the way in operational excellence, our continued support of Palmark reflects our tireless commitment to the highest operating standards possible. As a FORS Gold operator, we value the benefits of benchmarking. As part of our FORS accreditation, we constantly evaluate multiple aspects of our business to compare industry averages. By continuing to sponsor Palmark, we hope more Public Sector fleets will get involved in this worthy benchmarking club, share best practices and pursue operational excellence at every opportunity.’

Chris Ruane, Business Development Officer, CILT said: ‘Palmark enables members to demonstrate the delivery of efficient public services performance across 12 business critical areas, including fleet, work related road safety and risk management. Committed to achieving the highest compliance, safety and cost-efficient levels, our members collective desire for continuing improvement is to be applauded. The valuable support of O’Donovan’s, and welcome addition of New York City, makes this a very special time for Palmark.’


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