CILT(UK) 2019 Board elections delayed - CILT(UK)
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In 2017, the Board of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) recognised the need for change and communicated a new strategy with the objectives of delivering growth in membership and revenue and creating a capability to sustain CILT as we move beyond our centenary.

As part of this process of change, it is critical that the Institute reviews its governance structures to ensure that these are aligned to enable the delivery of our strategic goals. This review has been supported by the President and Vice Presidents, previous recommendations by the Representatives Advisory Group (RAG) and members of the Board.

The Institute is currently mid-way through this revision with the aim of delivering a structure that is both fit for purpose and compliant with the U.K. Charity Commission Governance Code (for larger charities).

To allow the Board time to complete this revision comprehensively, the Institute will delay the scheduled 2019 election of Board members by a few months. This short delay until 2020 will be followed by improved opportunities to represent and reflect the needs of our increasingly diverse membership community.

Richard Wilding OBE, Chairman, CILT(UK)


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