Understand the value of our profession, CILT urges new Prime Minister - CILT(UK)
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The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) has called on the new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to ensure that the movement of goods and people and their associated supply chains remains frictionless in a post-Brexit world.

In a joint letter to the Prime Minister, Kevin Richardson, Chief Executive, and Sue Terpilowski, Chair, Public Policy Committee, CILT, have encouraged the Government to attain a deeper understanding of supply chains and the value of freight to the UK economy, take practical and urgent action to prepare businesses for Brexit and to ensure the UK responds to the challenge of climate change. 

They said: “Having taken up your position at this critically important time for our country and at a time that requires strong and decisive leadership, CILT is here to support you.

CILT brings to Government an apolitical perspective; we do not lobby: we are totally impartial and modally agnostic providing evidenced based advice and guidance acting as a sounding board in policy development. 

Regardless of what happens in the coming months, one thing is certain; the UK’s future success and prosperity will depend upon its ability to trade across the world. As one of the country’s leading generators of economic benefit, the logistics and transport sector is uniquely placed to support Government to deliver its goals. 

Having effective supply chains is vital in delivering against many of the pledges you made during your leadership campaign. There are monumental opportunities and challenges for our sector – whether on technology, resourcing, meeting environmental challenges and above all keeping the UK trading. 

One of our main concerns and one which we believe may hinder your desire to get things done quickly is that across the government offices there is little real understanding of supply chains and of the true value of freight and its contribution to the growth of the UK. 

Since the referendum in June 2016, CILT has worked closely with the Department for Transport, Border Delivery Group and HMRC providing support and evidence based advice to enable Brexit planning to be prepared. This balanced expertise from amongst our members has been well received. 

The government must do six very practical things as a matter of urgency to make sure the UK businesses are prepared for Brexit: 

  • Reset the short-term border measures that were in place for March 29th to October 31st, so industry has more certainty on what it’s preparing for; 

    Including putting in place the variety of in-transit document control and vehicle load examination checks up stream of the port zones including pre-information on the motorway network that will minimise transit document failures and turn-backs for both the export and import environments.
  • Substantially step up the public information campaign on getting ready for Brexit; 
  • Recognise, due to lack of understanding and preparation, that short to medium term measures will be needed to be implemented to ensure that freight flows effectively;
  • Make sure that short-term border measures for ferry ports apply to all ports so British business has the widest possible range of options for easier post-Brexit trading;
  • Deliver the upgrades to common customs IT systems necessary for handling substantially higher volumes of declarations.
  • Actively and incentivise companies to become AEO businesses and make sure that HMRC are proactive in helping businesses achieve this; the swift trialling and implementation of self-assessment for customs, agreement on increased benefits for the post Brexit UK AEO(C) and AEO(S) scheme along with new logo and getting it published and not least ensuring that someone in government is standing by to get AEO Mutual recognition agreements signed for day one no deal
The logistics and transport sector relies heavily on non UK workers and has concerns over the future labour market and the ability to necessarily access EU and non-EU workers as many will fall below the £30,000 threshold. CILT welcomes the Sajid Javid review into the £30,000 salary threshold for immigrant’s post-Brexit and would be keen to supply evidence to the review. 

Whilst the preparations for minimising border friction in a No Deal Brexit scenario are of course of prime importance, there can be no greater challenge for our generation than to ensure we respond to the challenge of climate change. CILT is totally supportive of the UK’s ambition to realise net zero carbon emission and to become the first major economy to do so. 

The path ahead of you is full of opportunity and CILT, as the logistics and transport sector’s umbrella membership body, stands ready to work with you and your government to realise your ambitions. 
The Institute welcomes the opportunity to continue working with key departments and agencies to help them achieve a positive culture to supply chains and their contribution to GDP and productivity to realise your ambitions and how, together, the logistics, transport and supply chain profession and your government can turbocharge the UK’s position.” 


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