Coronavirus: CILT call to members to support the supply chain - CILT(UK)
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The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) is calling for cross sector collaboration to ensure that as a profession we are equipped to respond to the coronavirus crisis.
We have seen a rapid pivot in operational needs, with demands on the logistics sector soaring as home delivery and pharmaceutical supply chains are put under pressure.
Conversely, as home working grows, so demand for public transport has fallen. We believe as a profession we can work together to meet this challenge. 
For example, the NHS Supply Chain has made an urgent request for VNA drivers and forklift truck drivers to assist warehouse operations.
CILT is providing a service to match organisations together so that those who have capacity can help those in need, by making available staff, vehicles and expertise to support the supply chain.

We are asking you to complete this form and let us know if:

  • You are a logistics or supply chain organisation and have operational shortages  including drivers, warehouse operators and vehicles
  • You are a passenger transport operator with resource availability including, drivers and vehicles
  • You are a vehicle rental company with available vehicles
  • You are a retired member of CILT – who is not classified as “high risk” – and able to offer your services and expertise to logistics operations at this time

As the pharmaceutical, medical and grocery supply chains begin to witness a rise in demand, CILT will be putting together a database of available resources for cross-sector collaboration to ensure the UK is able to respond to this crisis.
Complete this form letting us know:

  • How many vehicles, drivers or staff you have available and where you are located
  • How many more vehicles, drivers or staff your operation requires at this time and where you are located
  • For retired or semi-retired members: what your skills and area of expertise are, location and sector experience

If you have the necessary resources to support the NHS, please contact: Mujahir Rahman, Business Manager, NHS Supply Chain. 

If you have any urgent requests for resources, please contact: and we will attempt to match you with any relevant resources on our database. 

Please note, we have witnessed an incredible amount of offers of resources to support the supply chain and are working our way through these to establish a succinct database for you to access. 

Kind regards,

Kevin Richardson FCILT
Chief Executive,

  • How many vehicles, drivers or staff you have available and where you are located
  • How many more vehicles, drivers or staff your operation requires at this time and where you are located
  • For retired or semi-retired members: what your skills and area of expertise are, location and sector experience
  • Your licence category for those who availability and those who have capacity
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