The government has committed to spending a total of £6 billion between 2015 and 2021 to tackle potholes and other minor road repairs. The announcement brings the total spend in this area between 2010 and 2021 to £10 billion.
The funding is worth £976 million per year, and has the potential to fix 18 million potholes.
Transport secretary Patrick McLoughlin said: “It is vital we have good quality roads. This government has already taken strong action by spending £1 billion more on local roads maintenance than was spent in the previous parliament.”
From the funding, £4.7 billion will be directly allocated to local transport authorities and 115 councils. A £575 million challenge fund will also be created. This will allow councils to bid for funding to make improvements to their local road network.
The government has also set up a £578 incentive fund, which will reward areas that provide cost-efficient repairs and improvements. It will begin distributing money from 2016.