Guidance and support for Northern Ireland hospitality businesses - CILT(UK)
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Guidance and support for Northern Ireland hospitality businesses

05 May 2021/Categories: CILT, Industry News, Freight Forwarding, Logistics & Supply Chain, Operations Management, Brexit

Many hospitality businesses will be reopening for the first time since new rules came into effect at the end of the EU Exit transition period from 1st January 2021. For those businesses sourcing their supplies from Great Britain (GB), they will now need to consider new requirements for moving SPS and regulated goods under the Northern Ireland (NI) Protocol.

To help businesses navigate the new processes the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has provided a summary of the key steps needed below:

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs has also produced guidance to support businesses. This guidance explains the requirements for hospitality sector traders. The government is encouraging all traders moving goods from GB to NI for the hospitality sector, who may be preparing to increase movements ahead of the easing of local lockdown measures, to re-familiarise themselves with the published guidance. The guidance also sets out the support that is available for traders. has updated its guidance EU Exit Checklist – 10 steps to take which sets out steps all NI businesses can take now, in advance of reopening, to prepare for these changes. It also signposts businesses to further guidance and towards the range of support on offer to assist with navigating these changes. It should assist businesses to avoid unnecessary disruption to supply chains when preparing to reopen.

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