BusMark membership hits new heights - CILT(UK)
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BusMark membership hits new heights

17 May 2021/Categories: CILT, Industry News, Active Travel & Travel Planning, Bus & Coach, Transport Planning, Institute News

BusMark, The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport’s bus and coach benchmarking club, has announced that its recently recruited members means that the BusMark membership roster now has an all-time high of 29,100 passenger carrying vehicles on board, from which benchmarks and key performance indicators (KPIs) are derived. 

During this past year of unprecedented challenges for the sector, an ever-increasing number of operators have joined BusMark, enabling them to compare performance across a range of business-critical disciplines such as Operation Risk & Safety, Employees & HR, Customer Service and Environmental Performance. 
BusMark members share good practices and explore hot topics at quarterly meetings and webinars facilitated by the club’s sponsors, Lytx, MiX Telematics, Omnibus and Switch Mobility. 

Members answer an annual survey, supplemented by seasonal snapshot questionnaires, that help direct the themes and potential guest speakers at the club’s quarterly meetings. 

In the latest snapshot survey (Q1 2021), members’ views were sought on: 

1. How well the bus & coach profession has been represented at national level since the introduction of the initial lockdown measures? 
2. How operations have been impacted during this most challenging of times? 
3. How Local Authorities have performed within this period? 

BusMark’s doors are open to all operators, regardless of fleet size, geographical location and nature of operation. 

BusMark is designed so that each operator’s data remains confidential and for their eyes only. The data is processed anonymously to produce benchmarks enabling the club‘s discussions to be enjoyed in an open, non-competitive- environment. 

Martijn Gilbert, now Managing Director, Go North East, was one of the original member operator representatives who worked hard to develop the BusMark concept that was officially launched in May 2015. 

Responding to the latest milestone for the club, Martijn Gilbert said: “It is fantastic that the club’s membership has grown year on year to be the largest transport and logistics benchmarking group in the UK. 

“The results produced, and the networking and best practice exchanges enabled through its meetings, are a great catalyst for continually improving member's organisations, something that's even more valuable during these fast changing and unprecedented times".

Kevin Richardson, Chief Executive, CILT, said: “BusMark’s growth is impressive, and we are grateful to the long-standing support and hard work of our sponsors. All this has been achieved despite the harsh operating climate. We will continue to keep driving BusMark forward and providing members with excellent value through benchmarking, networking and the sharing of best practice”. 

For more information on the benefits of BusMark, contact Chris Ruane on chris.ruane@ciltuk.org.uk


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