THE OPINION: Be at the forefront of improving urban freight distribution efficiency - CILT(UK)
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THE OPINION: Be at the forefront of improving urban freight distribution efficiency

30 June 2021/Categories: CILT, Industry News, Active Travel & Travel Planning, Bus & Coach, Freight Forwarding, Logistics & Supply Chain, Transport Planning

by Ali Alizadeh, Civil Engineer, Transport for London

In the UK, chronic road congestion costs businesses £10bn annually as well as £20bn in social health and welfare cost. In London alone, freight traffic comprises almost 20% of all road vehicles, with research suggesting many are, on average, less than half full. When compounding this over a fleet of freight vehicles, road-based freight can considered to be environmentally and financially excessive to freight operations, and hence ultimately costly for retailers.

It is estimated if one complete train is utilised per day to serve the freight needs of a single London rail terminus, 92 freight vehicles can be removed from the road. When this is compounded over multiple trains daily, significant reductions in road traffic and emissions can be achieved, with the added advantage of providing a safer urban realm for other road users.

Whilst trials of using railways to transport urban freight have been conducted, the opinions of retailers have not previously been investigated in detail. 

As a result, I am seeking retail and distribution manager views on how you believe your industry can reduce its impact on the urban realm. Participation will take no longer than 10 minutes of your time and make you eligible to win one of two £50 prizes. Closing date: 7th July. 

Take the survey, today. 

This questionnaire is tailored to gather the views of store and distribution managers in relation to urban freight. A key understanding that is required for research in urban freight transport is to identify whether the Buisness to Business (B2B) sector is receptive to adopting the use of railways for urban freight transport, and to gather any concerns or suggestions that may impact the viability of the proposal.

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