John Lewis Partnership acquires 1 million sq ft distribution centre - CILT(UK)
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John Lewis Partnership acquires 1 million sq ft distribution centre

16 August 2021/Categories: CILT, Industry News, Logistics & Supply Chain

John Lewis Partnership has signed an agreement with Tesco to lease a 1 million sq ft distribution centre at Fenny Lock in Milton Keynes. 


The warehouse, leased for 11 years, will become John Lewis’ second largest distribution centre. 


Andrew Murphy, Partner and Executive Director of Operations for the Partnership said: “This one-of-a-kind distribution centre represents a fantastic opportunity to power the continued growth of, ensuring that we can keep pace with customer demand - both for our products and for our wide range of fulfilment and delivery options.


“We will invest in the site’s automation capability to support future growth and, over the next two years, we will recruit 500 new Partners to work at the distribution centre, which we plan to start operating during summer 2022.” 


John Lewis has also signed a three year lease agreement for a 300k sq ft distribution centre at Bardon, Leicestershire. 


The site will be operated by Clipper Logistics on John Lewis’ behalf. 


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