Announcing the 16th Annual Transport Practitioners' Meeting Call for Papers - CILT(UK)
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Announcing the 16th Annual Transport Practitioners' Meeting Call for Papers

05 December 2017/Categories: PTRC News

The 16th Annual Transport Practitioners’ Meeting (TPM) will take place on the 5th – 6th of July 2018 in historic Oxford.

TPM is the annual meeting place for all transport planners, placemakers, highway engineers and urban transport designers. TPM brings the wider transport and built environment community together for two days of world class networking, idea sharing and lively debate.

A Call for Papers has been issued encouraging practitioners to submit abstracts that share knowledge and fresh ideas on a range of transport topics and issues. Abstracts covering the latest developments in road safety, healthy streets, public transport, urban design, data and freight are sought to generate lively discussion. 

New this year, we have set up an option for online abstract submission, making it easier than ever to share your ideas with the Abstract Committee.  Visit the TPM Website for further information! 

Regardless of your career level, presenting at TPM offers numerous invaluable opportunities. More experienced practitioners will benefit from presenting to a diverse and knowledgeable community of peers, offering plenty of opportunity to debate and disseminate information presented. Young practitioners will gain confidence and enthusiasm for presenting to the friendly and knowledgeable audience of fellow professionals. 

Abstract submissions for papers, posters and workshops are been accepted until 12 noon on Thursday 25 January 2018. The Abstract Committee will consider all submitted abstracts in order to deliver an engaging and informative programme. Authors will be notified if their abstract has been selected by 1 March 2018. 

Submitting an abstract through the Call for Papers is recognised as an important contribution to the development of technical and professional skills and will additionally count towards CPD hours. 

The full Call for Papers Document can be found here. 

For further information please visit the website at or contact PTRC at


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