Put 11-12 May in your diary now as the major live and interactive exhibition and conference Innovation and Technology in Transport - ITT Hub will help you navigate your way through 2022 as the passenger and commercial road transport sector continues to gear up to meet the challenges of decarbonisation.
Last year’s launch set the standard for a new interactive industry event, with over 4,000 attendees finding out about the latest developments in their sector. Building on the success of ITT Hub’s debut, over 16 of the industry’s leading vehicle manufacturers are already booked for ITT Hub 2022.
ITT Hub brings together the manufacturers, data handlers, energy providers, disruptors, fleet managers and policy makers to learn, experience, collaborate and network to explore new ways to become more efficient, increase sales and find inspiration.
The event combines traditional, large scale exhibition spaces with outdoor ride and drive and experiential opportunities to observe and try the very latest in design and technology.
ITT Hub also hosts a raft of thought leadership conference and seminar discussions, fronted by the Future Logistics conference over both days. National Grid, Zenobe Energy, Lloyds Banking Group and Lex Autolease are Commercial Partners as each play their part in providing sustainable transport and energy solutions.
Already confirming their presence are a host of well-known exhibitors, from DAF Trucks, Renault Trucks and Volta Trucks to TRAILAR, Schmitz Cargobull, Tachosys, TruTac, TyreWatch to Disc-Lock, Air Products and Argent Energy.
Within the indoor exhibition, the Talent Hub, supported by Think Logistics and CILT, will provide a resource for employers to understand how to develop their workforce and attract new people, plus advise new entrants on transferrable skills.
Entry to all areas of the event is free.
To find out more and register now, visit itthub.co.uk