Scottish Government publishes route map to achieve a 20% reduction in car kilometres by 2030 - CILT(UK)
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Scottish Government publishes route map to achieve a 20% reduction in car kilometres by 2030

25 January 2022/Categories: CILT, Industry News, Transport Planning, Net-Zero

The Scottish Government has published its route map outlining steps needed to reduce car kilometres travelled by 20% by 2030.

The target was set out in the Climate Change Plan Update, published in December 2020.

The route map sets out a range of sustainable travel behaviours grouped into four categories:

  • travel less: use online options where appropriate
  • stay local: chose a more local destination to meet your needs
  • switch mode: to walk, wheel, cycle, or use public transport where possible
  • combine a journey: where the other options are not feasible

Additionally, research will be commissioned to explore equitable options for demand management to discourage car use, to enable the development of a new Framework for Car Demand Management by 2025.

The route map has been developed by the Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and will now be the subject of a 12-week public consultation.

Minister for Transport Graeme Dey said:  “We cannot reach net-zero emissions through technological solutions alone so we need individuals, communities and businesses in all parts of Scotland to look at their own habits and behaviours and think about how they could make changes. We don’t expect car use to drop at the same rate in urban and rural areas and the route map makes clear that there’s no one size fits all approach.

“The principle of a just transition is at the heart of our route map, supporting our work to tackle inequality and child poverty.

"We recognise that for some people reducing car use, especially in the short-term, will be more challenging – including disabled people and their families – but we also need to recognise the unfairness of a status quo where the ‘car is king’ and where car use is made too easy, at the expense of other healthier, fairer options.

“We’re setting out a whole range of actions, some in the short term – like free bus travel for under-22s, Low Emission Zones and providing superfast broadband for 100% of premises – and some longer term, including our work on demand management options including pricing and the cost of motoring. What’s absolutely crucial is that we all play our part and consider how we can modify our own behaviour and drive down car use for a healthier, fairer, greener future.”


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