New report reveals bike share schemes across the UK has reduced car mileage - CILT(UK)
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New report reveals bike share schemes across the UK has reduced car mileage

15 February 2022/Categories: Active Travel & Travel Planning, Net-Zero

A new report by Collaborative Mobility UK has revealed how the country’s 39 cycle hire schemes are attracting more people back to cycling. More than 4,000 users took part in the research for the report.


Key findings:

  • On average, per user, there was an estimated reduction of 3.7 car miles and 1kg of CO2e every week.
  • 49% of users said that joining a bike share scheme was a catalyst to them cycling for the first time in at least a year – including 6% who took up cycling for the first time.
  • 53% said they would have made their last trip by car or taxi if bike share had not been available.
  • 34% of those using electric bikes (e-bikes) said they were replacing car or taxi trips of more than five miles per week (compared to 24% of non-e-bike users)
  • 20% of respondents said that bike share was the only moderate to vigorous exercise they got on a weekly basis. 

Collaborative Mobility UK said the findings prove that bike share schemes are a key tool in the UK’s journey to net zero and can help improve the country’s physical health and mental wellbeing.

Richard Dilks, Chief Executive, Collaborative Mobility UK said:

“There are many personal benefits of taking up cycling and it’s encouraging to see e-bikes becoming increasingly popular – with no significant age differences between e-bike riders and the whole group, demonstrating their appeal to all generations.”

“Ultimately, if we are to achieve our ambitious net zero targets, we need to address the issue of private vehicle ownership, which massively contributes to the UK’s emissions.”

“Shared transport such as bike share schemes, along with car clubs, demand responsive transport and e-scooters, alongside public transport, are the key to achieving our goals.”


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