We want to highlight 35 exceptional logistics and transport young professionals in the upcoming Next Generation edition of Focus. We are inviting you (and/or your colleagues) to contribute to our second annual 35 under 35 list.![No alternative text description for this image No alternative text description for this image](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E22AQGZgkil-X3lMQ/feedshare-shrink_800/0/1675081821443?e=1677715200&v=beta&t=nwT_2yRrsTXQvDXVFxOfgDGLNIIGzaE5kXfMmhiqrFs)
By answering a few questions, there is the opportunity to be spotlighted in the Next Generation edition of the magazine.
If you would like the chance to be a part of our list, fill out the Google form: https://lnkd.in/ess-5_sA by Friday 10th February. You do not have to be a CILT member to be a part of the list.
If you face any issues, email communications@ciltuk.org.uk.