A new £2 million competition has been announced by the Department for Transport (DfT) where businesses can apply for up to £500,
The Transport Decarbonisation Demonstrators programme funded by DfT will allow businesses to run innovative trails tackling local transport challenges.
DfT have said they will also help to grow local economies by supporting businesses to bring new solutions closer to market.
Any UK business can apply for this funding with half of the £2 million being reserved for rural arears unlocking new technological benefits tackling challenges such as access to jobs and reducing loneliness.
Mike Biddle, Executive Director Net Zero at Innovate UK, said: “Taking a place-based approach to decarbonise our transport systems is critical if we are to reach our net zero targets both locally and nationally and prosper from the transition to net zero.
“Innovate UK is delighted to be working with DfT to invest £2 million in innovation projects aimed at not only reducing emissions but also building key partnerships between local authorities and businesses, which will ensure maximum impact.”