DHL offers 25% supply chain discounts - CILT(UK)
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DHL offers 25% supply chain discounts

27 February 2014/Categories: Industry News

DHL is to offer technology clients a fee reduction of 25 per cent.

This is according to Logistics Manager, which reported the firm aims to do this by integrating the repair operations of its customers into its warehouse system. The company has also announced plans to expand its aftermarket technical services offerings by signing collaboration agreements with prospective business partners.

Bosses hope the expansion and its new discount will result in the testing, screening and repairing of more products within the reverse technology supply chain. The company is expected to announce further partnerships to perform selected repair activities. 

Chief development officer at DHL Supply Chain Dan Ellerton commented: "These improvements will ensure our clients can respond faster, resolve issues, maximise value and improve satisfaction for their end customers."

The company has recently announced deals to work alongside ANOVO and Computer Technology Solutions. These organisations specialise in after sales support and supply chain management, and reverse logistics and repair, respectively. 


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