Port seminar set for Antwerp - CILT(UK)
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Port seminar set for Antwerp

27 August 2013/Categories: Industry News

An executive seminar for members of the port industry is being held in Antwerp, Belgium on September 9th-10th.

Hosted by PortEconimcs, the Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp and the University of Antwerp, the seminar aims to discuss various issues pertaining to port operations. It will feature members and representatives from across the industry and is the third such event.

A spokesperson for PortEconimics said: "The seminar will include interactive sessions involving a unique mixture of decision-makers, a highly experienced PortEconomics team and industry representatives."

This includes management as well as supply chains. Public-private party relationships are among topics set for discussion during the seminar. The European Sea Ports Organisation will be present to provide an update on modern developments occurring in ports.

Private consultants interested in the industry shall be attending and available during the seminar, including those looking to improve their portfolio in the related areas of business


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