SEStran has launched the latest phase of its drive to provide live bus times information to travellers throughout South East Scotland.
Thousands of people already have access to Real Time bus passenger information through BustrackerSEStran, which uses advanced computer technology to provide updated information on buses as they proceed along their routes. The system, which is accessible via the internet and a free smartphone app ('SEStranbus', available from the I-Phone App store & Google Play store), is fully compatible with Edinburgh’s existing RTPI system and provides passengers living outside the city with up-to-the-minute information on local services.
Now, thanks to a £500k award through the Bus Improvement Fund (BIF) from Transport Scotland, SEStran aims to extend access to bustrackerSEStran by installing digital signage in public premises across the region. The screens will provide live bus times information, as well as the option to display local advertising, news and weather information.
SEStran Chair Cllr Russell Imrie said: 'SEStran believes that extending real-time passenger information throughout south-east Scotland is a major step towards achieving our goal of creating a sustainable transportation system for the region.'
'BustrackerSEStran already provides live bus times information to travellers throughout the region via the website and free mobile app. This new phase of the project extends access even further by bringing the information straight to the traveller, who may not have access to the web or own a smartphone. It is part of our drive to provide the best quality level of service to bus passngers across South East Scotland.'
'This phase of the project has been made possible by a £500,000 grant from the Transport Scotland Bus Improvement Fund (BIF). It will be money well spent, providing a 21st century service to bus passengers and helping make bus travel the mode of choice for most journeys.'
'We are calling on managers of publicly owned premises to consider installing the signage. SEStran is providing the screens free of charge with free maintenance for a year to publicly owned buildings. It’s a service that can make a big difference for the travelling public with minimal outlay.'