Illegal stowaways 'damaging future of cross-channel freight' - CILT(UK)
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Illegal stowaways 'damaging future of cross-channel freight'

22 May 2015/Categories: CILT, Industry News, Ports, Maritime & Waterways, Rail

The British International Freight Association (BIFA) has called on the authorities to do more to crack down on the influx of illegal immigrants attempting to stow away on trucks passing through the Calais Eurotunnel terminal and ferry port.

According to the trade association, this is an issue that is causing increasing difficulties for businesses in the logistics sector and is potentially threatening the future of cross-channel trailer services.

The presence of stowaways places the security of drivers, vehicles and customers' loads at risk, creates long delays to scheduled arrival times and harms efficiency. In the longer term, there is a possibility that international transport sub-contractors will start to simply refuse to operate on the cross-channel market due to these risks.

Given that traffic between continental Europe and the UK is on the rise, BIFA is continuing to warn operators to be vigilant about the issue, while welcoming efforts by Eurotunnel to offer additional security measures, extended terminal facilities and a new secure truck park.

Robert Keen, director general of the BIFA, said: "We are pressing the authorities to step up their protection of the routes across the Channel and fulfil their obligations to let trade move unhindered before serious damage is done to this strategic freight route."


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