New logistics partner iForce signed by Maplin - CILT(UK)
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New logistics partner iForce signed by Maplin

22 June 2015/Categories: CILT, Industry News, Logistics & Supply Chain

Logistics specialist iForce has been appointed as multichannel partner to Maplin, which will see the firm take on management of warehouse operations for the electronics retailer.

Customer and store availability will be improved for Maplin as a result of the move, as warehouse management systems will be upgraded, enabling an increased focus on product and service proposition. 

Maplin's Rotherham site has been adopted by iForce - and this is likely to facilitate the introduction of a click and collect service. 

John Cleland, Maplin's chief executive, said iForce has already helped his company to improve the experience it offers to customers. 

Multichannel innovation, increased product choice, improved availability and collection options were highlighted as some of the benefits. 

Chief executive of iForce Brian Gaunt said: "Our expertise has increased stock accuracy and we have helped Maplin to provide customers more choice through the enablement of click and collect."


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