Transport Practitioners Meeting TPM only two weeks away - CILT(UK)
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Transport Practitioners Meeting TPM only two weeks away

15 June 2015/Categories: PTRC News

On this the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, celebrations, discussions and exhibitions around the UK and the world mark the significance of a document hailed as the foundation for political freedom, human rights and countless democratic movements throughout history. And while today is the culmination of years’ worth of preparations and countdowns for the Magna Carta anniversary, let me also take a moment to bring to your attention another countdown taking place within the four walls of PTRC – as you might have guessed, it is the final countdown to the 13th Annual Transport Practitioners’ Meeting!

With two weeks to go, it is not too late to book your place at the annual meeting place for transport planners, highway engineers and urban transport designers. Taking place on Wednesday, 1 July and Thursday, 2 July at London Metropolitan University, this year’s TPM is filled with session themes that share useful research and best practice, plenary sessions that promote topical and meaningful discussion, an awards ceremony to recognise the sectors’ finest and opportunities for valuable networking.

To view the draft programme, learn details of the awards ceremony and to book, please visit our TPM website. Don’t forget to take advantage of two-for-one tickets for local authorities and discounted two-day rates!

And let our own countdown not overshadow the illustrious occasion of the Magna Carta’s 800th anniversary, as we remind you that you can view one of the original copies of the document at the British Library, which is, rather conveniently, located only a few tube stops from London Metropolitan University.

We look forward to seeing you at TPM in a few weeks’ time. Until then, you can find me and the rest of the PTRC team listening to Europe’s The Final Countdown on repeat.

Erika Halsey                                              

Erika Halsey
Events and Course Manager

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