Wilson James won the “Training” award at the recent Heathrow Airport Annual Safety Awards. The awards are presented in recognition of outstanding contributions to the safety of passengers and workers at the Airport. The award committee made particular reference to Wilson James’ John Spottiswood, Director Heathrow Logistics Integrator, for his leadership in bringing this programme of events to the Airport.
This award was specifically related to a cycle safety initiative in response to the increasing usage of bicycles in and around the airport. In seeking to address the causes of many accidents involving cyclists, Wilson James drew upon experience gained through its extensive construction logistics operations in London. As one of the first companies to achieve FORS Gold and an original CLOCS champion, the close proximity of large vehicles and cyclists was a known and well understood high risk factor.
Better education is undoubtedly the answer for both groups of road users, and to this end Wilson James organised a series of large events in increasingly prominent locations across the Airport. In conjunction with the Metropolitan Police, Powerday and others, a selection of large vehicles and bicycles were provided. Using these, cyclists were able to experience the problems associated with driver observation despite the vehicles having the latest mirror, sensor and camera systems; whilst vehicle drivers were able to experience the problems from a cyclist’s perspective. Importantly, cyclists and large vehicle drivers were able to talk to one another. This proved highly successful and beneficial for all concerned.
Heathrow manager and avid cyclist, Deborah Helmsley commented:
“I am a keen cyclist and arrived feeling what could I possibly learn after 5 years cycling to work – well I learnt loads and am sure you will have played a part in saving my life.”
This event is part of a continuing programme of safety events at Heathrow and elsewhere. These cycle safety initiatives for example, are mirrored in central London where, in addition to similar events, many Wilson James drivers have completed a cycle proficiency course under Transport for London instructors.
Wilson James has been a partner to Heathrow Airport for over 20 years with a wide portfolio of activities, supporting both construction and operational requirements with secure logistics.