CILT to offer discounts for biggest ever CILT Annual Conference - CILT(UK)
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CILT to offer discounts for biggest ever CILT Annual Conference

11 May 2016/Categories: CILT, Active Travel & Travel Planning, Aviation, Bus & Coach, Freight Forwarding, Logistics & Supply Chain, Ports, Maritime & Waterways, Rail, Transport Planning, Institute News

The CILT Annual Conference is the Institute’s premier event and brings together the world’s leading minds in logistics, operations management and transport.

This year’s event promises to be the biggest, most informative and most dynamic Conference to date and we are pleased to announce a variety of special offers and discounts for its members, including a £200 discount for CILT Young Professionals. 

Members of the CILT Young Professionals Forum will benefit from a substantial discount on attendance with delegate passes costing £250+VAT (reduced from £450+VAT).

In collaboration with the Women in Logistics (WiL) Conference, delegates booking to attend both the CILT Conference on 16th June and the WiL Conference on 17th June will receive a discount on both conferences: £400+VAT (reduced from £450+VAT for CILT) and £130 (reduced from £185) for WiL.

The conference takes place on Thursday 16th June, at Chesford Grange in Kenilworth, Warwickshire and will look at the looming challenges of the future. Tomorrow’s supply chain: Are you ready? will engage and inform delegates in coping with and preparing for the issues facing the supply chain in the future. 

There is still a chance for your company to market your brand at CILT’s flagship conference. In addition to the opportunity to be the Conference’s main sponsor there are various other ways for your organisation to be noticed, including:

  • Delegate folder: Your company’s logo will be printed on the delegate folders and you will receive two delegates passes to access the Conference, dinner and overnight accommodation
  • Conference keepsake: Opportunity to provide all delegates with a gift of Sponsor’s choosing, your company’s profile included in the Event Programme and Event Review and references in CILT’s Weekly News Bulletin reaching over 12,000 members
  • Lanyards: Your company’s logo printed on delegate’s lanyards, profile and logo on CILT website and references in Logistics & Transport Focus reaching over 17,600 members
  • Exhibition stands: 1.83m table, discount on advertising and table of 10 at the Conference Dinner

If you would like to find out more about these opportunities or to discuss ways of tailoring these to meet your exact requirements please contact: Allison Glandfield Tel: 01536 740125 Email:

To book your place at this year’s CILT Annual Conference please contact: Zoe Buss Tel: 01536 740151 Email:


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