Why the Carlton dance is unlikely to secure you an interview: Your #uselessResumeSkills won’t get you a job but avoiding them can shape your CV - CILT(UK)
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Why the Carlton dance is unlikely to secure you an interview: Your #uselessResumeSkills won’t get you a job but avoiding them can shape your CV

17 May 2016/Categories: Student Voice

Last year, Twitter exploded with the discussion #MyUselessResumeSkills. People took to the site to tell the world about some of the more obscure, idiosyncratic and useless talents they possess. Whilst light hearted, the hashtag does bring to the fore just how irrelevant some skills on CVs are.

Everyone is aware that searching for your next job is a competitive process.  In order to get ahead there is often a common belief that you need to cram your CV with everything you have ever done and every skill you have ever achieved.

The page then becomes one of visual ‘noise’ normally shrunk to size 8 font in order to make it fit onto fewer pages. The problem with this approach is that you are relying on the person reviewing the CV (who often has a pile to go through and spends less than 10 seconds looking at it) to cut through the irrelevant and see the significant skills you can offer.

Whilst our favourite #MyUselessResumeSkills probably won’t adorn many CVs, they are nevertheless an amusing indicator of the issue, and worth a look: 

  • “I rock the Carlton dance”
  • “I can name every item on the Nando’s menu”
  • “I can burst into ‘let it go’ from Frozen on request”
  • “Toilet Tweeting is my forte”
  • “I can lick my elbow (go on – try it!)”

Yes, you want to stand out, but you have a far better chance by tailoring your CV to the role you are applying for than chucking everything at the CV.

If a potential employer sees a well-structured document with all of the key skills required from the job specification, then the chances are that you will be put in the pile for interview. The fact that unnecessary and irrelevant skills are missing is likely to make the relevant skills shine through more, rather than acting as a diluting hindrance.

So whilst rocking the Carlton dance is impressive, save that one for the staff Christmas party rather than your CV.

With thanks to: Working Transitions


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