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March 2025
Road Safety Audits: Principles and Good Practice - OnlineBook Now
Start Date:18/03/2025 09:00
End Date:18/03/2025 17:00
Event Code:PTRC0864

This course will introduce delegates to the causes of accidents and how they can be addressed by engineering, education and enforcement. It will particularly focus on the use of road safety audits as one way of ensuring that safety is given sufficient consideration in the design process.

The course is designed for road safety auditors who wish to refresh and update their knowledge, those looking to meet CPD requirements, and for people with limited or no experience of road safety auditing activities who wish to learn more about this area of work. People working in the fields of transport planning, development management, regeneration and urban design will find this one day course and indispensable introduction to road safety engineering techniques and audit methods.

It is also suitable for those with managerial responsibility for engineering design, road safety audit and project development teams, who are looking for a broad overview of techniques and issues.

Programme and Booking Form 

For more information, please email

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £385

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £365


Click book now to book online with a card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

Shaping the skills needs for future employees and ‘selling’ our profession to them. A ‘double-value’ eventBook Now
Start Date:27/03/2025 09:00
End Date:27/03/2025 13:00
Event Code:TVG0460


When: 27 March 2025, 09:00 - 13:00
Where: Reading College, Kings Road, Reading, RG1 4HJ
Speaker: Various Speakers

Logistics and transport businesses have long bemoaned the lack of basic skills relevant to their sectors among school leavers. School leavers in turn appear to have little appreciation of the varied and exciting roles that are available to them in the wonderful world of logistics. Their views (and those of their training providers and gatekeepers such as parents and career advisers!) are often limited to Hi-Viz jackets, sheds and trucks.  This is YOUR opportunity to shape the training given to potential employees to meet the needs of YOUR business and industry.

The Thames Valley Group are calling for delegates to join the joint Workforce Development Partnership (WDP) workshop with Thames Valley Chambers of Commerce, colleges, training providers, career advisers, the Berkshire Careers Hub and fellow professional logistics and transport leaders in Reading College – free parking is available to those who register to attend.

After the last WDP in November 2024, Banbury and Bicester College is already looking to provide a new Haulage and Logistics pathway incorporating exciting curriculums including logistics, warehousing, supply chain and transport management encompassing road, rail, sea, and air with a cross-cutting theme of digital literacy and skills, so your voice really does matter.

We recognise that you need to be the employer of choice, not last resort if we are to attract the talent you need.  We must ‘sell’ our profession to young potential employees, dispel the Hi-Viz and Yorkie Bar myth and excite them about our wonderful sector, and the progress they can make in it (it should be noted that 2 in 3 logistics managers do not have a degree).  Following the WDP we are therefore running a walk-around showcase event for college students, their lecturers and career advisors supported by the Berkshire Careers Hub. We need you to join us and engage with this young talent for a couple of hours after the WDP.  We would love you to come and briefly explain to students how much more than sheds and trucks there is to logistics in a format that is easy and ‘least effort’ to you – a two or three slide rolling presentation, a piece of interesting kit or just one of your own young employees who can inspire students to look at our profession – and raise your profile amongst a talented and potential future workforce.

Experts from sustainable supply chains, telemetrics. transport planning and Defence logistics are already signed up to the Showcase – come and ‘sell’ your specialisation to our future talent, their educators, training providers and careers advisers and prove there is more to life than Hi-Viz!

To make a booking:

Note: If you are not a current Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, please be aware our membership team may be in touch with you using your email address provided regards membership opportunities. If you do not wish to be contacted please email and let us know at

CILT(UK) Golf Society Chairman’s MeetingBook Now
Start Date:27/03/2025 09:00
End Date:27/03/2025 17:00
Event Code:ABC0911


When: 27 March 2025, 09:00 - 17:00
Where: West Hill Golf Club, Bagshot Road, Brookwood, Surrey GU24 0BH

This meeting is open to CILT(UK) Golf Society members and their guests.

The package includes Coffee and Bacon Rolls (from 09:00), our Golf Society AGM (commencing at 09:15), an 18-hole Stableford Competition (tee reserved from 10:30) and will conclude with a 2-Course Meal (at approx 16:00) and Prize-Giving.  An optional Full English Breakfast can be ordered and available from 08:30 for an extra £8.

The venue for this meeting, West Hill Golf Club, is one of the best-known courses in Surrey and has consistently featured in the top 100 golf course listings.  This stunning heath land course is lined with towering Scots pines and beautiful - but treacherous heather! 

Booking Costs: Members - £85.00 & Non-Members - £100 

Enquires and Bookings to:

All members and past members of the CILT are eligible to join the Golf Society and then be entitled to attend its events at discounted rates and bring guests. 
For details and enquirers contact:
Golf Society events are organised to provide members and their guests with the opportunity to play golf at attractive courses, combined with fellowship and networking.

Note: If you are not a current Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, please be aware our membership team may be in touch with you using your email address provided regards membership opportunities. If you do not wish to be contacted please email and let us know at


Communities Team

Visit to Panmure HouseBook Now
Start Date:27/03/2025 17:00
End Date:27/03/2025 19:00
Event Code:SR0554


When: 27 March 2025, 17:00 - 19:00
Where: Panmure House, 4 Lochend Close, Edinburgh EH8 8BL 
Speakers: Ed Sweeney, Professor of Logistics & Supply Chain Management at Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University
Adam Dixon, Adam Smith Professor of Sustainable Capitalism at Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University 

Home of Adam Smith, the ‘Father of Economics’’ between 1778 and 1790, seventeenth-century townhouse Panmure House 
off Edinburgh’s Canongate was rescued from dereliction by Heriot-Watt University in 2007, and now houses the University’s centre for social and economic debate and research. Professors Ed Sweeney and Adam Dixon will tell us how their stewardship of Smith’s home keeps them true to the spirit that the great man was also the Father of Logistics. The event will comprise a lecture, followed by a Q&A session, and a tour of the house. There will also be networking opportunities before and after the formal proceedings. 

Booking for Members-FREE

To book onto this event please click here

Booking for Non-Members-£5 inc VAT

To book onto this event please click here.

Note: If you are not a current Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, please be aware our membership team may be in touch with you using your email address provided regards membership opportunities. If you do not wish to be contacted please email and let us know at

SC1.1 Supply Chain Networks, Design and Optimisation.

April 2025
Overcoming the Challenges of Poor Air QualityBook Now
Start Date:01/04/2025 09:00
End Date:01/04/2025 17:00
Event Code:PTRC0837

Brand New Course!

Over the past five years, legislation has become stricter, with the recent Environmental Act (2021), new air quality monitoring technology has been unleashed to identify hidden air pollution hotspots, and the rollout of more traffic interventions such as clean air zones and low-traffic neighbourhoods have encouraged positive mobility trends.

Since the net-zero carbon commitment, both public and private sector organisations have committed to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions to minimal levels. With this course, you will learn the principles of delivering a successful carbon plan on time and within budget to promote
public health benefits and restore the natural environment of our local communities.

Despite the damaging health and environmental concerns associated with air pollution, tremendous progress has already been made towards creating a sustainable future. Join our one-day training workshop on tackling air pollution and championing decarbonisation initiatives. This
course is designed to improve our understanding on new regulatory and legislative requirements for air quality, the use of new technology, and the implementation of traffic interventions.

Tailored for policymakers, practitioners, and local government players interested in improving air quality, this training will equip you with necessary skills to effectively engage with communities to drive behaviour and environmental change.

Programme and Booking form

For more information, please email

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £385 

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £365 


Click Book Now to book online with a card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

Essential Legislation for Transport Planners - OnlineBook Now
Start Date:03/04/2025 09:00
End Date:03/04/2025 17:00
Event Code:PTRC0856

The reduction in personnel within many local authorities has led to internal staff and term consultants having to become familiar with wider and varying areas of activity, often without being provided sufficient training on the legal requirements placed on highway authorities. In addition, current pressures on the management of a highway network plus the delivery of projects can often mean that not all practitioners have a clear understanding of the powers, duties, legal and administrative bases on which these are maintained, managed and promoted.

This one-day course provides an essential insight into the distinction between law and guidance and the risks that can arise from any departure. It will cover the main duties, statutory and discretionary powers and obligations placed on highway and traffic practitioners by UK highway and traffic legislation.

Programme and Booking Form 

For more information, please email

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £385 

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £365 


Click book now to book online with a card or return a completed 
booking form to the Events Team at

CILT Student Membership PresentationBook Now
Start Date:03/04/2025 10:00
End Date:03/04/2025 11:00
Event Code:ABC0901

When: 03 April 2024, 14:00 - 15:00
Where: Teams

CILT Student Membership Presentation

If you are a university student and invested in your future career, then why not join our online presentation and find out what CILT student membership can do for you? 

You’ll find out more about our events, mentoring programme, news, the knowledge centre and much more. 

It is an opportunity to ask questions and gain answers. 

We hope you can join us.

To book onto this event click here


LE1.1 Leadership, Organisational Culture and Change Management

Visit to DHL Express, Gatwick Service CentreBook Now
Start Date:08/04/2025 16:30
End Date:08/04/2025 18:00
Event Code:SER0383


When: 08 April 2025, 16:15 (for 16:30) - 18:00
Where: DHL, Unit 1A, Barbour Drive, Copthorne, Crawley, RH10 3JY
Meeting Point: Reception

Host: Claire Leo, Service Centre Manager

Join the CILT (UK) South East committee on a visit to DHL in Cawley. Come and see exporting in action as customer parcels are processed through the facility, with the opportunity to see various attributes of the new building including sustainability features.

Please note delegates will be vetted by the host.

Booking for Members-FREE

Booking for Non Members - £5.00 inc. VAT

To book click here

Note: If you are not a current Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, please be aware our membership team may be in touch with you using your email address provided regards membership opportunities. If you do not wish to be contacted please email and let us know at

  • SUS1.1 Social, Economic and Environmental Resilience
  • SC1.1 Supply Chain Networks, Design and Optimisation
Shape Tomorrow - Sustainable Logistics LIVEBook Now
Start Date:09/04/2025 09:15
End Date:09/04/2025 16:30
Event Code:ABC0913


When: 9th April 2025, 09:15 - 16:30
Where: Esther Simpson Building, Leeds LS2 9BT
Speaker: Various

Book your place today at the first event dedicated to Sustainable Logistics.

Sustainability remains a top priority for businesses as the UK government introduces legislation to meet net-zero commitments. But how do we bridge the knowledge gap and implement real, measurable change when considering Scope 3 emission data across your logistics operations?

Join us at Sustainable Logistics LIVE 2025 – the UK’s only event dedicated to reducing Scope 3 emissions through smarter, greener logistics. This exclusive one-day event is packed with insights from industry leaders, sustainability experts and real-world case studies, equipping you with both tactical and strategic solutions to bring back to your business.

SLL2025 is a must for sustainability leads and logistics managers responsible for the creation and implementation of a scope 3 reduction programmes. Don’t miss out, book your ticket today!

For further details and to book:

The Principles of Traffic and Transport - 20 Week Evening Lecture Series (Dubai) - OnlineBook Now
Start Date:09/04/2025 18:30
End Date:03/09/2025 20:00
Event Code:PTRC0831

The transportation system is being asked to play a greater role in society these days as we strive to move people, fuel the economy, be more energy efficient, and address the role of the automobile in climate change. These are broad themes that will affect the transportation profession for years to come, however at the ‘street level’ there is still the day-today of designing, operating, evaluating and improving the local transportation system in our cities and towns.

Whether you are new to the transportation industry, are looking to refresh your knowledge on transportation principles, or if you have taken on a new responsibility or are working in a ‘niche area’ and wish to broaden your knowledge, PTRC’s 20week evening lecture series offers a cost-effective and time-inexpensive training course that will benefit both the participating employee and their employer.

This evening seminar program has been running in Europe for over fifteen years. PTRC launched the 20 Week Evening Lecture Series in Dubai in January 2022. The lecture runs from 18:30 - 20:00 UAE time.


Take a look at the programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £550
CILT & TPS Member/Local Authority/Charity Fee: £525


Click Book Now to pay online with card or complete and return the booking form to the Events Team at

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Registered Office:

Earlstrees Court, Earlstrees Road, Corby
Northants, NN17 4AX
Main Switchboard: 01536 740100

Company Registration Number: 2629347 
(A Company Limited by Guarantee)
Charity Registration Number: 1004963

© The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport