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Scotland - Forthcoming Events

March 2025
Saving the small things in railway heritageBOOK NOW
04/03/2025 18:00:00 - 04/03/2025 19:00:00


When: 4 March 2025, 18:00 - 19:00
Where: Zoom Meeting
Speaker: Daniel Wright, Freelance Transport Writer

It's the large items that usually come to mind when we think of transport heritage, but the likes of Flying Scotsman and the Forth Bridge enjoy plenty of protection. Not so the smaller things such as signs, clocks and weighing machines that give character to railway journeys but can be at risk of removal at the whim of a management set on modernisation. Taking examples from throughout Britain, transport writer and campaigner Daniel Wright makes a plea to save these items whose familiarity he believes attract people to train travel and for which the first need may be to compile a list of what's there. Daniel is a transport planner whose first job after graduating from Aston University was at the newly-created Institute of Logistics and Transport in London, where he worked during 1999 as a Policies Assistant.

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TP1.1 Transport Infrastructure and Network Resilience

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Communities Team

Visit to Panmure HouseBOOK NOW
27/03/2025 17:00:00 - 27/03/2025 19:00:00


When: 27 March 2025, 17:00 - 19:00
Where: Panmure House, 4 Lochend Close, Edinburgh EH8 8BL 
Speakers: Ed Sweeney, Professor of Logistics & Supply Chain Management at Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University
Adam Dixon, Adam Smith Professor of Sustainable Capitalism at Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University 

Home of Adam Smith, the ‘Father of Economics’’ between 1778 and 1790, seventeenth-century townhouse Panmure House 
off Edinburgh’s Canongate was rescued from dereliction by Heriot-Watt University in 2007, and now houses the University’s centre for social and economic debate and research. Professors Ed Sweeney and Adam Dixon will tell us how their stewardship of Smith’s home keeps them true to the spirit that the great man was also the Father of Logistics. The event will comprise a lecture, followed by a Q&A session, and a tour of the house. There will also be networking opportunities before and after the formal proceedings. 

Booking for Members-FREE

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Booking for Non-Members-£5 inc VAT

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SC1.1 Supply Chain Networks, Design and Optimisation.

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