Blackpool Transport Services
Blackpool Transport Services Limited are a local provider of bus and tram services in the North West of England, proudly serving the Fylde Coast for over 130 years.
In recent years the business has been transformed to become one of the most innovative and respected operators within the transport industry.
Home to the world famous and award winning Tramway, Blackpool continues to operate a modern light rail tram system alongside a fleet of Heritage Trams, with customer satisfaction scores rating higher than all bus, tram and train operators in the UK in the recent 2018 Transport Focus survey.
Whilst running a fleet of modern, accessible buses Blackpool Transport have been recognised nationally for their achievements, notably at the North of England Transport Awards in 2018, winning Transport Operator of the Year.
As investment continues Blackpool are looking towards the future to remain at the forefront of technology and provide the very best in Customer Service.