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CILT launches its President Safety Series event with TfL’s Chief Safety Officer

CILT is delighted to announce the launch of its CILT President Safety Series, an initiative spearheaded by current President Leon Daniels.

26 September 2023

MRG Chair encourages new members to join group

The Membership Representatives Group (MRG) has a specific remit to provide two-way communication between the Membership and the Board. It consists of 12 members and, as its Chair, I have a place...
26 September 2023

ASPIRE are looking for a new Chairperson

ASPIRE is a charitable organisation within CILT(UK) and seeks a new Chairperson to lead the next phase of its development and growth.

20 September 2023

CILT featured in Transport Committee report on self-driving vehicles

The Transport Committee has published a report focusing on the future of self-driving vehicles (SDVs) and steps the Government should take upon their introduction to UK roads.

20 September 2023

Revised membership rates and grades for 2023/24

CILT(UK) has released its latest membership subscription rates for 2023/24, effective from 1st October 2023.

19 September 2023
Categories: CILTInstitute News

Join the Board, help shape the Institute.

The CILT Board would like to co-opt up to 3 new members to increase the breadth of skills, experience and representation from across the communities and disciplines within the Institute’s...
23 August 2023

CILT(UK) reveals the Top 30 Logistics Service Providers in the UK for 2023

CILT(UK) has revealed its Top 30 UK Logistics Service Providers for 2023.  

28 July 2023

CILT gives evidence at Transport Select Committee on rail and road infrastructure planning policy

CILT (UK) appeared before Parliament’s Transport Select Committee today to give evidence on major rail and road infrastructure planning policy and be questioned on whether industry...
19 July 2023

CILT reveals Awards for Excellence Finalists

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) is thrilled to announce the finalists for its highly anticipated 30th Awards for Excellence.

11 July 2023

Generation Logistics powers into year two with support from DfT

Generation Logistics, the industry-led and Government-backed initiative tasked with increasing awareness and finding the next generation of logistics talent, announces it has secured backing from...
28 June 2023

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